Becoming Better with your transformation digitally — Digital Transformation?

Narendran Srinivasan
4 min readJan 11, 2023

Let me narrate a brief article about needs and flow of digital transformation. This article is completly about my prespective and marktet trends.

Before diving into the content, Here was an outline that follows the necessary

  1. Introduction: Explain what digital transformation is and why it’s important.
  2. What it is: Describe what digital transformation is, how it works, and its benefits.
  3. Trends: Discuss the trends and developments related to digital transformation.
  4. Process: Detail the process of digital transformation and the steps necessary to achieve success.
  5. Examples: Provide examples of successful digital transformation projects.
  6. Roadmap: Develop a roadmap for success with digital transformation.
  7. Conclusion: Summarize the importance of digital transformation and how it can help businesses stay competitive.

Getinto the above flows one by one

Introduction: Explain what digital transformation is and why it’s important.

Digital transformation is the adoption of digital technologies to transform the way an organization functions, delivers its services, and interacts with its customers. It involves the use of digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and industry requirements. Digital transformation is important because it helps organizations remain competitive, innovate, and improve customer experiences. It also helps to streamline processes and increase efficiency, saving time and money. Additionally, digital transformation provides organizations with the ability to quickly scale and expand, and allows them to better leverage data and insights to make informed decisions.

What it is: Describe what digital transformation is, how it works, and its benefits.

Digital transformation is the process of incorporating digital technologies, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, mobile applications, and the Internet of Things, into existing business models and processes to create new business opportunities and improve existing operations. Digital transformation works by allowing organizations to leverage digital technologies to improve customer experiences, streamline processes, and increase efficiency. Benefits include improved customer experiences, cost savings, increased productivity, better use of data and insights, quicker time-to-market, more agility and scalability, and improved employee engagement.

Trends: Discuss the trends and developments related to digital transformation.

Some of the most important trends and developments related to digital transformation include the wider adoption of low-code platforms, increased migration to the cloud, leveraging AI and ML technologies, increased automation, and wider investment in Blockchain technologies. Additionally, intelligent search, virtual business collaboration, and the use of open source platforms are becoming increasingly popular. Furthermore, more businesses are investing in customer data platforms, data protection and security, and multi-cloud strategies. Finally, the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating new opportunities for digital transformation.

Process: Detail the process of digital transformation and the steps necessary to achieve success.

The process of digital transformation involves several key steps. First, organizations must assess their current digital capabilities and identify areas for improvement. This involves evaluating the existing technology infrastructure, processes, and customer experiences. Second, organizations must develop a clear digital transformation strategy that outlines the goals, objectives, and timeline for the transformation. Third, organizations must invest in digital technologies, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, to enable the transformation. Fourth, organizations must develop a roadmap that outlines the steps necessary to achieve the desired transformation. Fifth, organizations must develop a plan to measure the success of the transformation. Finally, organizations must ensure they have the resources and capabilities necessary to successfully execute the transformation.

Examples: Provide examples of successful digital transformation projects.

Examples of successful digital transformation projects include Walmart’s voice ordering technology, Capital One’s software-driven transformation, Home Depot’s online shopping platform, and the virtual banking platform of Intergiro. Additionally, J.P. Morgan’s Onyx Lounge in the metaverse, desktop metal’s 3D printing technology, and Target’s digital transition strategy are all examples of successful digital transformation projects.

Roadmap: Develop a roadmap for success with digital transformation.

A roadmap for success with digital transformation should include the following steps:

  1. Assess current state and analyze data.
  2. Identify objectives and set goals.
  3. Develop a technology-positive culture.
  4. Get buy-in from senior management.
  5. Develop a digital transformation roadmap.
  6. Develop an innovation strategy.
  7. Develop a plan to measure success.
  8. Invest in the right technologies.
  9. Develop a plan to enable employees.
  10. Monitor progress and adjust as needed.

Conclusion: Summarize the importance of digital transformation and how it can help businesses stay competitive.

Digital transformation is an essential process for businesses to stay competitive in today’s market. It entails utilizing digital technology to transform business models or processes and should be seen as a core digital adoption strategy that must be implemented in all areas of an organization. Digital transformation can help organizations improve how they operate and introduce new products, attract new customers, and grow into different market segments. Additionally, it can help boost profitability, efficiency, resiliency, productivity and ROI, better understand customers, and rethink business strategies.



Narendran Srinivasan

Eidetic Learner | Bridging the Gap on Electronics, IoT, and ML | A Big Fan of PID | Intriguing Finance